Informative Information on Rugani Family Chiropractic.
Spinal Decompression
DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy, a traction based procedure, is one of the leading long-term treatment options for treating low back (Lumbar) and cervical neck problems.
Often, the pain in your back or neck is due to a bulging or herniated condition of one or more of the discs that act as a sort of shock absorber or cushion in between the vertebrae that make up your spinal column. When your disc(s) bulge, are herniated, or simply wear out, the disc can press or pinch against a sensitive nerve, the result of which can be VERY painful.
Over time, your body suffers from the wear and tear of daily living, as well as the overall effects of gravity. DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy helps to create a negative pressure in your disc (decompression). Decompression is the result of proper positioning and tractioning of your spinal column. DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy is an intuitive approach to help relieve the pain in your back and neck pain.